
North Dakota newspapers have been judged “Best of the Dakotas” in four of five circulation categories. The awards were handed out Friday, April 28, 2017 during a joint convention of newspaper association members from the two states. This is the third time that newspapers from the two Dakotas have gone head-to-head in a general excellence style competition. The first time, in 2013, North Dakota won three of the five categories.
Harvey Brock, publisher of The Dickinson Press, has been elected president of the North Dakota Newspaper Association. Brock was elected Friday, April 28 at the association’s 131st annual convention in Aberdeen, S.D. He succeeds Sara Plum, editor of the Benson County Farmers Press in Minnewaukan and The Lakota American.

Speakers booked for symposium
The NDNA Education Foundation's fall conference schedule has been set. Penelope Abernathy, Tim Waltner, and Sarah Cavanah will be the keynote speakers October 14-15 at the UND Student Union.

Pulitzer winners share their philosophies
Pulitzer Prize winners Jacqui Banaszynski and Carol Guzy told their prize-winning stories at the 130th Annual North Dakota Newspaper Association convention in Crosby, ND on May 6. One of own, Mike Jacobs, formerly of the Grand Forks Herald, also told his Pulitzer story for the attendees.

Glen Froseth, retired publisher of the Kenmare News, and Mike Jacobs, retired editor and publisher of the Grand Forks Herald, were enshrined Friday, May 6, 2016 as the 53rd and 54th members of the North Dakota Newspaper Hall of Fame.

North Dakota’s top newspapers selected
Five newspapers have been judged best in their classes in the North Dakota Newspaper Association's Better Newspaper contest, plus many others were selected as special award winners. Awards were presented at the 130th Annual NDNA convention in Crosby, ND on May 6.

Sara J. Plum, editor of county newspapers in Minnewaukan and Lakota, has been elected president of the North Dakota Newspaper Association. Plum was elected Saturday, May 7 at the association’s 130th annual convention in Crosby. She succeeds Cecile Wehrman, publisher of The Journal in Crosby and The Tioga Tribune.

By Amy Dalrymple on May 7, 2016 at 3:35 p.m. CROSBY, N.D. – A governor's debate held in a small town North Dakota hockey arena grew heated Saturday when two Republican rivals got a chance to face off. The 90-minute debate sponsored by the North Dakota Newspaper Association was mostly polite until toward the end when candidates had the opportunity to ask an opponent a question.