
GPCCRS to conduct a feasibility study on Old Main for college

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MSU to assist DCB on how to utilize Old Main
02/21/2012read article >

Bringing a quality of life for seniors

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Senior Citizen Center in Bottineau adds activities for the elderly
02/21/2012read article >

Leap year just a leap away

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Leap year will be observed next Wednesday, Feb. 29, adding an extra day to 2012 and a number of folklore traditions
02/21/2012read article >

Spring enrollment at DCB stands strong

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Dakota College at Bottineau has positive
numbers for spring enrollment
02/14/2012read article >

BCT to present "Paint Your Wagon"

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Tim Davis to direct "Paint Your Wagon"
Feb. 23-26 at the Holwell Auditorium
02/14/2012read article >

Local veteran brings opportunity to BHS

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Al Wondrasek speaks to BHS juniors about
Boys and Girls State
02/14/2012read article >

Editorial: Remember our veterans

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02/14/2012read article >

Veteran's outreach organization to hold proclamation honoring women veterans in the county

Scott Wagar
Proclamation for Nation Women Veterans Awareness Month to be signed by city and county leaders on March 6
02/14/2012read article >

City Council holds monthly meeting

Scott Wagar
City Council discusses seal coat project, sidewalks, proclamation, rezoning request
and property values
02/14/2012read article >

Big Dreams For a Community Youth Center

New community/Youth center
02/08/2012read article >

Operation Care Package Complete

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Hankinson school and community send packages to their soldiers overseas
02/07/2012read article >

Sand joins BCSD

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Sheriff's Department hires new deputy
02/07/2012read article >

Wolf sighted up in the Turtle Mountains

Scott Wagar
Reno and Marilynn Stand encounter a wolf on their property near the local golf course
02/07/2012read article >

Warm winter assists producers

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Warm and dry winter giving farmers a bright outlook for upcoming spring work
02/07/2012read article >

A loving gift from a sincere heart

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Connie Aasheim brings Bottineau's Middle School a main entrance sign after 33 years
02/07/2012read article >