News Lamb a finalist for NDBHE
By Alicia Wicklund
Carmelita Lamb one of three selected, for ND Board of Higher Education opening
Alicia's Activity Angle
By Alicia Wicklund
It's coffee time
NAPA coming to Bottineau
By Scott Wagar
NAPA will open store in Bottineau in early May
In his own words of music
By Scott Wagar
World renown accordion player, Alexander Sevastian, introduces the classical side of the accordion
Semler retires as county agent in Bottineau County
By Scott Wagar
County Agent Tim Semler retires with over
20 years of service in Bottineau County
Creating hugs for children in need
By Scott Wagar
Lori Erickson's second grade class makes
blankets for the Project Linus
Bottineau native, Kalk endorsed by GOP for US Representative
By Scott Wagar
A 1984 Bottineau High School graduate, Kalk was voted as the nominee for the Republican part for open US House seat
Bottineau School Board holds special meeting
By Scott Wagar
Bottineau High School principal, Ross Roemmich, renders letter of resignation at a special board meeting, while elementary principal, Mike Forsberg, is denied early retirement by board members
A Peace of Home this Easter
By Scott Wagar
Four area soldiers in combat zones will receive Peace of Home gifts this Easter season
Hess Corporation donates over $25 million to assist the state in education
By By Governor Jack Dalrymple's Press Office and Scott Wagar Bottineau Courant
The national headquarters of the Hess oil and gas company in Newburg donates $25 million to assist statewide education, which will come to Bottineau County's school districts
Lice found at Bottineau public schools
By Tyler Ohmann
Head lice find prompts school district-wide examinations. Students found with lice sent home with information
Coming Up In Larimore
Recall election petition against Marsden verified
By Scott Wagar
Recall election for Mayor Doug Marsden
will move forward, set for June 12
Learning about innovation
By Scott Wagar
Dakota College at Bottineau holds Market Place for Kids
Imaginary Library coming to the County
By Imagination Library Press Department andScott Wagar
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library will be part of Bottineau County