
Costner joins staff of St. Andrew's

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David Costner joins the staff of St. Andrew's as a family nurse practitioner
05/15/2012read article >

A taste of the Bahamas in Westhope

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Bahamas Best Caribbean Kitchen opens in Westhope serving traditional Bahamian food
05/15/2012read article >

Gateway fund almost expended for the year

Scott Wagar
With $61,800 approval in a Gateway loan for NAPA, the fund has little money left
for future projects in 2012
05/15/2012read article >

Bottineau city council meets

Scott Wagar
City council discusses land developments, Gateway fund and swimming pool
05/15/2012read article >

Bottineau High School presents 'Just Another High School Play'

Scott Wagar
Bottineau High School’s Drama Club brings the comedy "Just Another High School Play" to the Holwell Auditorium May 17 -19
05/15/2012read article >

Planning consulting firm meets with city council

Scott Wagar
SRF Consulting comes to Bottineau to speak with the city council on comprehensive planning for future land use and developing
05/15/2012read article >

A new invention at Lake Metigoshe

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Metigoshe resident fabricates a new machine which will assist people at the lake
05/15/2012read article >

BHS's music students have a close call in an accident on Hwy 83

Scott Wagar
Tanker truck pulls out in front of a bus transporting BHS's music students to the state music festival in Bismarck on Hwy 83 - no injuries involved,
but a very close call for the students on the bus
05/08/2012read article >

Arbor Day celebrated at IPG

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Forest Service, Peace Garden and Girl Scouts come together to celebrate Arbor Day
05/08/2012read article >

Aufforth retires as wildlife instructor at DCB

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Al Aufforth decides to retire after teaching wildlife management for 40 years at Dakota College
05/08/2012read article >

DCB graduate named as a Jack Kent Cooke scholarship recipient

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Jacob Bean receives the prestigious
Jack Kent Cooke Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship
05/08/2012read article >

Editorial: Being friends to us

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05/08/2012read article >

Willow City holds Relay for Life event to find a cure for cancer

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Willow City, one of the smallest towns in the nation which holds a Relay for Life event, raises a fair amount of money to assist in cancer research
05/08/2012read article >

Bottineau Courant earns prestigious design award

Bottineau Courant Staff
The Bottineau Courant earns first place in Overall Design Excellence at NDNA convention, along with 22 other awards
05/08/2012read article >

Bottineau County Fair announces entertainment acts for fair on June 14-17

Tyler Ohmann
Johnny Holm headlines, while Mylo Hatzenbuhler and the Whitehouse Players play on Friday
05/08/2012read article >