
School Board elections held in Bottineau County with nine people being named to the school boards

Scott Wagar
Bottineau, Newburg and Westhope hold school board elections on Tuesday, June 6
06/19/2012read article >

Republican Party gains the most votes in District Six's primary

Scott Wagar
The Sixth District voters keep North Dakota's tradition of voting for
Republican candidates over Democratic nominees as voters casts their ballots down party lines in the primary
06/19/2012read article >

Willow City discovers the find of a Century

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As Willow City residents prepare for its 125th anniversary celebration the townspeople discover a rich piece of their city's history
06/19/2012read article >

Lodoen family celebrates 65 years of cattle shows at fair

Tyler Ohmann
Lodoens celebrate 65 years at Bottineau County Fair
06/19/2012read article >

Winners abound at 2012 fair

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Amateur night and livestock awards doled out
06/19/2012read article >

Bottineau's public swimming pool

Heather Milbrath
Pool to open with changes taking place
06/12/2012read article >

Finance committee holds meeting

Scott Wagar
Finance committee holds special meeting with the EDC director and discovers money was removed from the Gateway Fund for other city projects, making it difficult for the EDC to fund some of its projects.
Attempts will be made to replace the Gateway funding back into the EDC’s budget
06/12/2012read article >

Simple Threads Inc. to move to new location

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Simple Threads Inc. will move to a new Hwy 5 location and construct a new building
06/12/2012read article >

Willow City church celebrates 125 years

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Willow City's First Lutheran Church turns 125 years old
06/12/2012read article >

Lansford's American Legion to hold dedication ceremony

Scott Wagar
Lansford American Legion Post to dedicate statue to honor its veterans
06/12/2012read article >

Bottineau High School students holds fundraiser events for trip

Scott Wagar and BHS's CLOSE UP GROUP
Bottineau High School students raise money to attend the Close Up program in Washington, D.C.
06/12/2012read article >

LMSP celebrates 75 years

Tyler Ohmann
Area's state park holds event to celebrate big anniversary
06/12/2012read article >

Bottineau's Kiwanis as a club conducts its first community project

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Bottineau Kiwanis Club conducts
beautification project for the city of Bottineau
06/05/2012read article >

Mystery of the Stone Bank solved in a one investigation

Scott Wagar
The age of the Bottineau County Stone Bank discovered after many leads
and a year of research
06/05/2012read article >

A party and more for a great educator

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Principal Mike Forsberg receives a community retirement party
06/05/2012read article >