
Spring work starts

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Local ag producers in Bottineau County get into the fields to begin spring work
05/14/2013read article >

City discusses upcoming projects

Scott Wagar
City Council members look at Kersten development and sewer line project
05/14/2013read article >

Drama Club to present 'The Unusual Suspects'

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Bottineau High School's Drama Club to perform 'The Unusual Suspects' this Friday and Saturday at the Holwell Auditorium
05/14/2013read article >

Renovations completed

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Fred and Lisa Kainz complete refurbishing
project of the former Ace Hardware building
05/14/2013read article >

Goehring receives award posthumous

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Terry Goehring honored with the
North Dakota Long Term Care Association's
Distinguished Service Award
05/07/2013read article >

Program to be discontinued

Scott Wagar
College program to be discontinued at DCB and MSU for a new program through the Chancellor’s Office
05/07/2013read article >

Governor Dalrymple proclaims the state's Arbor Day on behalf of Ann Nicole Nelson

Scott Wagar
Celebration for Arbor Day will take place
on May 17 at the Bottineau Winter Park
in honor of Nelson
05/07/2013read article >

Cobblestone Inn & Suites has a lot to offer

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Cobblestone Inn opens in Bottineau with the many comforts of home
05/07/2013read article >

Mayor Aufforth makes plea agreement with DUI charge

Scott Wagar
Two of the four charges dropped against Mayor Ben Aufforth on DUI charge,
but he is ordered to have a drug and alcohol evaluation
05/07/2013read article >

St. Andrew's kicks off its centennial

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St. Andrew's opens its 100th anniversary with a ceremony
05/07/2013read article >

Bottineau Science Olympiad teams compete at state

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Division B team (grades 7-9) wins first for Class B and third place overall; Division C (grades 9-12) takes eighth place in Class B and 14th overall
05/07/2013read article >

St. Andrew's Hospital celebrates 100 years

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As St. Andrew's Health Center celebrates its centennial the Bottineau Courant writes a series of stories of its history
05/07/2013read article >

Mundt pleads not guilty

Scott Wagar
Timothy Mundt waives his right to a
preliminary hearing and pleads not guilty in the murder of Jessie Kirk
04/30/2013read article >

Cogdill opens art studio in town

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Nancy Cogdill of Souris opens Masterpiece Art Studio in Bottineau
04/30/2013read article >

Annie's House receives $2,000 donation

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Annie's House receives $2,000 from Flaxton’s American Legion Post
04/30/2013read article >