
Minimum day care services in town causing hardships

Scott Wagar
Local residents find it hard to find day care in Bottineau as day cares close leaving economic difficulties on working parents and downtown businesses
07/30/2013read article >

Crazy Days expands in 2013

Tyler Ohmann
Clint Reinoehl and the Bottineau Chamber hopes to include more of the community in
three-day event
07/30/2013read article >

Annie's House receives special donation

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Pennsylvania boy travels more than 1,500 miles to hand deliver donation
07/30/2013read article >

Swedish Church turns 110 years old

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Swedish Zion Lutheran Church turns 110 years old and is named to the National Register
07/23/2013read article >

Head Start will not be offered in Bottineau this upcoming year

Scott Wagar
Due to the lack of finances Head Start will not be able to continue in the city of Bottineau
07/23/2013read article >

Hiking trails open at Annie's House

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Sheyenne Valley Special Education Unit becomes first group to hike on Annie’s House's adaptive hiking trails
07/23/2013read article >

Twin Oaks to sell several lots on the lake

Tyler Ohmann
Number of factors contribute to sale of
land meant to house RV's
07/23/2013read article >

VFW Ladies Auxiliaries productive in county

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The Bottineau Courant takes a look at
Bottineau County's VFW Ladies Auxiliaries
07/23/2013read article >

Hamilton joins the staff of St. Andrew's

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Dr. Robert Hamilton, M.D. accepts position at St. Andrew's Health Center and will serve the facility focusing on emergency room care
07/16/2013read article >

Looking for answers in district

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Bottineau School District holds first public meeting on its master plan for future school structures in the district
07/16/2013read article >

Individuals arrested in Williston murder case

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Jack Sjol's murder case moves forward with five additional individuals arrested and charged in his death
07/16/2013read article >

VFW has strong presence in Bottineau

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Bottineau's VFW Post has a steady presence in Bottineau's history
07/16/2013read article >

Bottineau Farmers Elevator constructs a new building

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Local elevator in Bottineau builds a dry fertilizer plant
07/16/2013read article >

Negotiations fail and head to impasse

Heather Milbrath
Bottineau's Education Association and
School Board cannot come to an agreement
and will now go to impasse
07/09/2013read article >

City Council approves amendment to allow bars to stay open longer

Scott Wagar
Bottineau's City Council passes amendment on the city's bar closing ordinance to allow bars to stay open until 2 a.m. instead of 1 a.m.
07/09/2013read article >