
Local man loses home to fire in the hills

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Jesse Kittleson loses home to fire, lightning suspected as cause
10/15/2013read article >

Editorial: Politicians need to be more like Chris in Washington

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10/15/2013read article >

Reward fund set up to assist in the crime against Boppre's Shetland pony

Scott Wagar
Reward canister set up inside the First National Bank to assist in arresting the individual(s) which chased, killed and dragged Dave Boppre's miniature Shetland pony
10/15/2013read article >

Fire Prevention Week at local fire hall

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Bottineau Fire Department teach fire prevention to the local children
10/15/2013read article >

Coming home

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After missing-in-action for 63 years Harold Evans' remains are coming home from the Korean War to awaiting family members in Bottineau
10/08/2013read article >

Government shuts down in Bottineau

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With Congress shutting down Bottineau residents are feeling the pinch
10/08/2013read article >

Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award presented

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Owen Kornkven receives highest honor for a pilot
10/08/2013read article >

Editorial: Make a difference

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10/08/2013read article >

Bottineau High School students raise money for a local family

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Bottineau High School students raise money for the Saykally family who lost their home to a fire in the Turtle Mountains
10/08/2013read article >

DCB breaks fundraising record at Evergreen

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Dakota College at Bottineau's Evergreen is a success with its Foundation Office breaking the record by $7,000
10/08/2013read article >

Westhope presents new plans for school additions

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Westhope School District prepares for new additions and renovations for its K-12 school
10/01/2013read article >

The 3-W Homemakers Club to celebrate its 75th anniversary

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The women of Willow Creek Township will celebrate its 75th anniversary
as the 3-W Homemakers Club this week in Willow City
10/01/2013read article >

New business focuses on the sportsmen

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Tom Bjerk and Alex Klingbeil open a new business that offers hunting equipment
for the local area
10/01/2013read article >

Issendorf 'Pays it Forward' in New York State for Ann

Scott Wagar
Jennifer Issendorf goes to New York to assist New York Says Thank You in its next project to help victims of Hurricane Sandy
10/01/2013read article >

Comprehensive plan completed

Scott Wagar
SRF presents final comprehensive plan to the city council; Bottineau aldermen approve
10/01/2013read article >