
President Obama signs farm bill

Scott Wagar
Farm bill passes with significant changes to farm subsidies
02/18/2014read article >

Two individuals from the city of Westhope look to bring hope

Scott Wagar
Robin Tolstad and Becky Braaten start an Angle of Hope project to assist others in and around the world who suffer from losing a loved one
02/18/2014read article >

Area music teachers play important role in this week's musical production

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Four area musical teachers will be part of this week's musical production, 'Once Upon a Mattress' and brings a creative collaboration of the fine arts to musical theater for BCTG
02/18/2014read article >

Residential appraisals delayed one month at Vanguard's request

Scott Wagar
City Council hold's February meeting to discuss a number of items which includes Vanguard's request to delay residential appraisals until March
02/11/2014read article >

New location and technology with a smile

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Dr. David Liebold re-locates his dental office and adds advanced technology to his practice with the comforts of home
02/11/2014read article >

Editorial: A winter of champions

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02/11/2014read article >

Obama Care will be accepted in Bottineau County

Scott Wagar
Local health facilities in Bottineau County are onboard with Obama Care
02/11/2014read article >

Once upon a fairy tale musical

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Bottineau Theater Group to present the musical comedy 'Once Upon a Mattress'
02/11/2014read article >

Local woman convicted of embezzlement

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Lisa Saykally steals over $600,00 from her family's business in Woodruff, Wisc.
02/04/2014read article >

Propane shows high increase in cost

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Propane costs in Bottineau County more than double
02/04/2014read article >

DCB and MSU will continue as a shared college system

Scott Wagar
Dakota College at Bottineau and Minot State University will stay together
02/04/2014read article >

Gravseth inducted into Hall of Fame

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Dennis Gravseth inducted into SND's Hall of Fame
02/04/2014read article >

Local facility receives its report from state survey

Scott Wagar
The Good Samaritan Society-Bottineau obtains its survey from the state health department
02/04/2014read article >

Former editor of the Bottineau Courant passes away

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Long time editor, John Maynard,passes away in Franklin, N.C.
02/04/2014read article >

Board approves option one for its master plan

Scott Wagar
Bottineau School Board decides to place all its students under one roof
01/28/2014read article >