
Ladyjacks add two more for 2013-14

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BHS senior Brandvold among recruits for
Ladyjacks basketball
04/30/2013read article >

Bottineau track opens season in Hazen

Bottineau Courant Staff
Track season starts
04/30/2013read article >

Sioux return experience

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Four seniors lead boys, Teske is lone girls senior
04/30/2013read article >

Ladyjacks get second win, but shut out by Tetons in away series

Tyler Ohmann
Freshman Jess Audette pitches well throughout week
04/30/2013read article >

Jackson signs with Jacks

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Point guard inks with college
04/30/2013read article >

Jacks win one of three against Tetons

Tyler Ohmann
Former BHS teammates square off as Tetons and Jacks play series in Williston
04/30/2013read article >

Many brave cold to honor Betty Rehfuss at 5k run/walk

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DCB's second annual Earth Day 5k turns into memorial following the passing of math teacher from cancer
04/23/2013read article >

Another St. John star signs with DCB for 2013-14

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Bruce signs to play volleyball and basketball
04/23/2013read article >

Danielsson named NJCAA All-American

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Jacks defenseman one of 12 top junior college hockey players in the nation
04/23/2013read article >

T.O's sports column

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04/23/2013read article >

Golf teams to fight weather in 2013

Tyler Ohmann
Both Bottineau boy's and girl's return experience at the top of their lineups
04/16/2013read article >

Jacks basketball signs first 2013-14 recruit

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Lorne Jay Jr. of St. John inks Jacks' first letter of intent
04/16/2013read article >

Jacks squeak in three more road games before winter returns

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DCB falls to 0-7 with three losses to Miles City Community College
04/16/2013read article >

Sioux softball primed for second season

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Additions of new equipment and players from Bottineau hope to propel WNB to state
04/09/2013read article >

DCB drops six games on road trip

Tyler Ohmann
road trip
04/09/2013read article >