Memorial Day events planned in County
Scott Wagar
Numerous events have been scheduled throughout Bottineau County for Memorial Day, which will take place Monday, May 26.
The city of Bottineau will be having a parade, program and a meal.
The parade will start at 10 a.m. with two short programs during the parade route at St. Marks Catholic Church’s Four Chaplains Monument and at the Highway 5 bridge.
The Memorial Day program will take place at Oak Creek Cemetery with Keith Peterson as the keynote speaker.
Following the ceremony, there will be a noon meal for all veterans and the general public.
Newburg will be having a program at the Newburg Senior Citizen building at 10 a.m. with Rep. Bob Hunskor-D, Newburg, as the orator of the event.
Following the program, a public luncheon will be served.
The Lyle B. Rich Legion Post and American Legion Auxiliary Post #112 of Willow City will hold a Memorial Day program starting at 10 a.m. at the Willow City Community Hall.
Del Alvord, Bottineau resident and Vietnam veteran, will be the speaker of the event. The program will also include special music, awards to legion and auxiliary members who have been in service for 50 or more years and memorial services for members who have passed away this past year.
Weather permitting, military honors will take place at Willow City Cemetery south of town.
The auxiliary will provide a public meal following the morning events. There is a cost for the meal.
Upham will present a Memorial Day program at the Upham Legion Hall with a dinner that will follow the program.