
Proposal has been made to move the local guard unit out of Bottineau

Scott Wagar


A proposal has been made to close the 132nd Quartermaster units in Bottineau, Cando and Rugby and have them transferred to either Devils Lake or Grand Forks.

The primary reason for this proposal is cut backs and reorganization. By this fall, the 132nd will reduce its force by 66 individuals, along with decreasing the amount of equipment the company will utilize in its missions.

Presently, the 132nd, which is a water purification unit of the North Dakota National Guard (NDNG), has units in Bottineau, Cando, Rugby and Grand Forks (Grand Forks is the 132nd’s headquarters for the company).

The personnel of the 132nd in the three local communities that are being considered for closure would be transferred either to Devils Lake or Grand Forks, whose locations are better equipped for the 132nd and at a more affordable cost to the National Guard.

If the 132nd is transferred out of Bottineau, economically, the city of Bottineau would see a decrease in revenue through money that is utilized by the soldiers of the unit, which would include food, lodging and meals, along with $13,000 the City Armory receives in income through the rent the NDNG pays to the local armory.

The Guard also assists the armory financially in repairs and maintenance.

It should be noted that even though there is a proposal on this issue, there is nothing definite, or a timeline, on this request. Governor John Dalrymple will make a decision on the proposal at a future date and time.