
Bottineau County in a flood warning

Scott Wagar


With the spring thaw in process in Bottineau County, the National Weather Service (NWS) has issued flood warnings for the Souris River (Mouse River) and Willow Creek.


According to the NWS, the Souris River Basin is causing minor flooding in the communities of Bantry, Towner, Westhope and Willow City which is expected to continue through the middle of May.

“Strong runoff continues into the Alameda Reservoir in southern Saskatchewan. This runoff of the remaining snow pack and recent rains are the cause of a 1,060 CFS discharge out of the Alameda Dam,” stated the NWS’s website. “When combined with other local runoff from recent rains, there will be roughly 1,100 CFS released from Lake Darling until the middle of May.

“While the upcoming week or two are expected to experience an active weather pattern, there is currently no expectation of a large individual rain event that will significantly alter this schedule.”
The area most affect by the Souris River is the Westhope area where the flood stage starts at 10 feet. On Thursday, the Souris River was at 11.1 feet with expectations that the water will be at 11.8 feet by Tuesday, May 6, with the river reaching close to 12 feet by Wednesday and the chance of the river rising even more after Wednesday.  


When it comes to Willow Creek the water is currently above flood stage and is experiencing minor flooding in and around Willow City.

The flood stage of Willow Creek near Willow City occurs at 10 feet. On Thursday, the creek was at 10.6 feet with expectations of the water reaching 11.9 feet by Tuesday  (May 6) with the chance of an additional rise of water in the creek after Tuesday.   


When it comes to the areas affected in the county, Westhope and Willow City are seeing flooding in low areas and agricultural land which is neighboring to the rivers.


The NWS is asking that individuals take precautions in these areas and not to drive or walk into the flooded regions.