GSS-Bottineau passes the state's health survey
Scott Wagar
After a short period of not being able to take admissions at the Good Samaritan Society-Bottineau due to state guidelines the center has made corrections and has been approved by the state to accept admissions.
“The Good Samaritan Society-Bottineau is pleased to announce that it has completed its accepted plan of correction with the state of North Dakota and has been surveyed as being in compliance with state regulations,” said Jonathan Stone, administrator for the Good Samaritan Society-Bottineau. “With this news, the center is now able to resume accepting admissions.”
In late January, the Good Samaritan Society-Bottineau received word from the state that the facility needed to make corrections in the categories of administrative and floor nursing areas.
Due to the deficiencies, the state wouldn’t allow the center to take admissions until the corrections were made and approved by the state.
Stone and the facility’s staff conducted diligent and steadfast work to make the modifications requested by the state and passed them in due course.
Deficiencies are not an uncommon situation for medical facilities in the state, and audits are conducted by the state to make sure facilities are providing quality standard care for its residents. On an average, surveys take place every nine to 15 months.
Stone stated that the staff at the Good Samaritan Society-Bottineau did a remarkable job in correcting the deficiencies, and he appreciates the residents, staff and local townspeople for their understanding during this time period.
“I am very pleased with our staff members. Everyone pulled together and worked hard to get us back into compliance. I am so thankful for the perseverance of our staff and the dedication to get us back into compliance,” Stone said. “I want to personally thank all of our staff members for all of their hard work focused on quality improvement; and to the residents, families and community members for their continued support and prayers. God is at work in our facility.”
The GSS-Bottineau offers 65 skilled nursing beds and seven basic care beds. The facility also offers adult day services and respite care. On an average mean, the facility has 64 residents on a yearly basis.
The center also employs 120 staff members in the community, which provides economic diversity in Bottineau and the surrounding areas that amounts to millions of dollars.
The Good Samaritan Society-Bottineau has been in the community of Bottineau since 1969.