
Law enforcement to ticket snowmobilers in the Turtle Mountains

Scott Wagar


There has been so much illegal activity when it comes to individuals driving snowmobiles in the Turtle Mountains the local sheriff’s departments has made the decision to start ticketing those they catch committing crimes in the hills with their sleds.

According to Steve Watson, sheriff of Bottineau County, there have been a number of complaints made against snowmobilers for driving over fences and inside fenced in land that landowners have cattle on.

“With the deep snow, those driving snowmobiles are going over snow covered fences instead of around them, causing damage to fences,” Watson said. “Snowmobilers are also going on private property that is fenced in which have cattle on the property and are scaring the livestock.

“Calving seasons is also starting and having snowmobiles on pasture land is not helping the rancher or the livestock,” Watson added.

Watson is asking for individuals to stay on the trail system and away from personal property while snowmobiling in the Turtle Mountains. If snowmobilers do not follow the laws, local law enforcement will start charging individuals with criminal trespassing.

Watson added the sheriff’s department is taking the property owners’ complaints serious and will have more patrols out to stop the criminal activity taking place.