
A mission on Main Street Bottineau

Scott Wagar


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One of the best missions in Bottineau is located at the First Lutheran Church where it offers a great deal to those in need.
The mission primarily grants clothing at no cost, along with items like books, toys, games and cookware.

Faye Benson and Lois Halvorson established the mission many years ago in half of a Sunday school room.

“They had a bench and a chair and that was where the clothing was kept, and there were usually a couple pair of shoes under the bench people could take.” said Deb Williams, one of the parishioners of First Lutheran Church that cares for the mission today. “And, it was word of mouth that people found out that if you needed something for a funeral or special occasion you could go to First Lutheran Church and get something nice and you wouldn’t have to pay for it.

“It eventually developed to the point where they need a larger room. So, they moved the clothing center across the hall into a full room. They went from there to four rooms today and right now we could use more,” Williams said. “It has just ballooned. At the present time, we get donations every day. We will sometimes get pickup loads.”

The mission is located in the basement of the church and it currently has one room and a hallway where all the items are displayed and with the sizes shown. The other rooms are used for sorting items and storage.

As the items are sorted, there are some items that the church cannot utilize. Instead of throwing the items, they donate them to the Orphan Grain Train, domestic violence and Central School.

Like its beginnings, the mission today does not charge any price for it items.

Another interesting point of the First Lutheran Church’s mission is that it has been operated by only women in its entire history.

“Helpers have included Merle Lunde, Karen Nelson, Marilyn Wolfe, Colleen Sivertson, Arlene Berge, Phyllis Getzlaff and many more,” Williams said. “There have been numerous women who have given completely of their time and it is all volunteer work.”

The mission is open every Tuesday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. There is private entry to the mission on the north side of the church, which leads directly to the room and hallway where the items are located.

Although the goal of the mission is to assist the needy, it is open to anyone who wishes to utilize it.

For Williams, the churches’ mission is needed in the Bottineau Community.

“I think it is one of the most important ministries we have right now because it serves people who need assistance,” Williams said. “The center is used by hundreds of people each week. It is just steady traffic.”

“Most of the clothes and other items go very quickly,” Williams added. “It is growing, all the time it is growing.”

The church does take donations of all kinds. Individuals, who wish to donate clothes or items to the mission, they are asked to leave their donations at the church’s office, or inform the office if items were left in the mission space.