
Wagar honored at dedication of Good Samaritan's Learning Center

Scott Wagar


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The Good Samaritan Society Bottineau gave Janet Wagar a special honor this past week when the Society named its new learning center after her.

On Thursday afternoon, the Janet Wagar Learning Center was opened and dedicated in admiration of Janet Wagar at the Society in Bottineau.
Wagar was employed as a Registered Nurse at the Society for 33 years where she served as the assistant director of nursing and staff development coordinator.

As the staff development coordinator, Wagar was responsible to orientate new employees at the Society. As the educator of the Good Samaritan Society-Bottineau, she orientated 752 individuals.  

In recent months, the facility renovated its learning center and made the decision to name it in honor of Wagar for her dedication and success as an educator at the facility.

The new learning center is equipped with multiple computers, a large screen television and a DVD player.

It will be utilized to orientate new employees, train staff on and offline and to hold meetings.    

Wagar, a graduate of St. Andrew’s School of Nursing in Bottineau, was a registered nurse for 54 years before she retired from Bottineau’s Society in January of this year.

As a registered nurse she was employed with Jamestown Hospital, the State Hospital at Jamestown, Kenmare Clinic, St. Andrew’s Hospital in Bottineau and the Good Samaritan Society-Bottineau.