
Sioux Falls chef coming to Bottineau to cook up some wild game cuisine

Scott Wagar


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For individuals who enjoy wild game as a cuisine Saturday, Jan. 26 is a date to remember because Todd Prouty will be coming to Bottineau to present a game and feed demonstration in association with the Smithsonian’s exhibit, Key Ingredients: America by Food.

Prouty, a chef from Sioux Falls, S.D., who is the general manager of LodgeNet’s food service department, which is a branch of the Sodexo Food Service, has been a chef the majority of his adult life who enjoys focusing on preparing wild game dishes.

“I’ve been in the chef business for 25 plus years and I am a lifetime hunter,” Prouty said. “I’ve always been told that if you shoot it, you have to make good use of it.”

Over the years, Prouty has taken the game he’s harvested and created a number of dishes that has received great reviews from those who have enjoyed his food.

This coming Saturday in Bottineau, Prouty will be preparing two different dishes, which the general public will get the opportunity to taste and enjoy while attending his demonstration.

“I am going to be preparing back straps from a white tail deer, which I am going to cook real simple, season it char grill it on a char boiler, finish it to that perfect medium and serve it with Wasabi butter (Japanese horseradish with butter),” Prouty said. “My other dish is going to be a Michigan duck mallard breast, which I am going to pan fry with an orange cranberry sauce.”

Along with venison and duck, Prouty also specializes in walleye dishes and is a strong advocate of all wild game.

“I’m a steward of hunting and preparing it well,” Prouty said. “I love wild game because of its taste and it is a leaner, cleaner and healthier meat to eat.”  

Prouty also has a son, Blake, studying to become a dietician, and through his son’s education Prouty has started to learn about healthy, organic wild game cuisine, which he is placing into motion with some of his own creative innovations.

Prouty’s wild game demonstration is going to be at Bottineau’s Senior Citizen building this Saturday starting at 10 a.m. Prouty stated that he is looking forward to the event.

“I invite everyone to come, it’s going to be a fun time,” he said.   

The demonstration is open to the public and free to attend.