
Bringing awareness to Bottineau

Scott Wagar


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It was an enlightening day on Tuesday for the individuals who attended the Bottineau Community Prevention Coalition’s Red Ribbon Day, an event to draw awareness on alcohol and other drug prevention efforts occurring within Bottineau County.

“It was very successful,” said Sue Brandvold, the director of the Bottineau Community Prevention North Dakota organization. “It was a good way to bring the community together to see the event and raise awareness.”

During the day a number of booths, Bottineau County Sheriff Department, Domestic Violence, the public health department and Dakota College at Bottineau’s nursing department granted information about a variety of topics, along with DCB’s nursing students giving free blood pressure and blood sugar tests.

The BCPC also held a pie and coffee social, poster contest for the local schools and a silent auction. To date, over $1,500 has been raised through the event.

Health and safety information was given out during the day by the BCPC, which included that alcohol is the number one substance abused by youth, and that Bottineau consumption rates are higher than state and national averages.

Some of the statistics they gave out included:

  •  Nearly seven out of 10 (69 percent) Bottineau High School students and almost one in four (24 percent) Bottineau Middle School students reported alcohol use in their lifetime.
  •  Over one in four (27 percent) Bottineau High School students say they participated in binge drinking in the past 30 days.
  •  North Dakota ranks first in the nation for binge drinking among ages 18-25, and ranks fifth in the nation for binge drinking among ages 26 plus.
  •  Liquor law violations made up 80 percent of crimes reported in Bottineau County in 2009 compared to 19 percent statewide.
  •  Sixty-two percent of referrals to Bottineau juvenile court in 2010 were alcohol related offenses.
  •  Alcohol-related car crashes claimed the lives of 55 people in the state of North Dakota in 2010.
  •  The majority of community members do not perceive alcohol and other drugs to be serious problem regarding the contribution to crashes and injuries or to crime (77 percent and 77 percent respectively).
  •  In 60 percent of cases, alcohol is reported as the primary substance at admission to North Central Human Service Center.
  •  Underage drinking cost the citizens of North Dakota $141 million in 2007.

Based on this information, the BCP has created a community action plan to address underage drinking and adult binge drinking.

The organization is also asking local individuals to support this cause by learning about substance use/abuse issues, voicing your support and limiting youth access to alcohol in your home and business, modeling healthy behaviors, talking to the youth in your life or assist in local efforts.

According to the organization, The BCPC is a proactive community group which promotes healthy and safe life choices, and is made up of parents, business owners, medical professionals, government, law enforcement, public schools and other individuals to create a healthy, drug free community.