
DCB gets full time athletic trainer

Tyler Ohmann


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A new venture between Trinity Sports Medicine and the Dakota College at Bottineau has brought a full-time athletic trainer to the DCB athletic staff.

Steve Gearey has recently been added on as the full time athletic trainer for Lumberjack and Ladyjack athletics.

Gearey a native of Pine River, Minn., got his undergraduate degree at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. He then went to Wayne State in Nebraska to get his masters in Organizational Management. He has since worked with athletes at Morningside College as well as schools in Sioux City, Iowa. He also worked a year with the USHL team, the Sioux City Musketeers.

Most recently Gearey was a casual athletic trainer at the Institute for Sports Medicine in Minneapolis, Minn.

Gearey said he was interested in sports medicine due to a background in sports in his youth. He moved to Bottineau for the atmosphere of the community and to move on to a more permanent position.

“I like the atmosphere, the small-town feel,” Gearey said. “I just felt like I was ready for a full-time position, and the opportunity to really help grow the program made me excited.”

Gearey will work with athletes in all sports at practices, training sessions and games. He will also see student athletes by appointment for other health-related issues.

Thus far Gearey has enjoyed DCB and the community and people there.

“It’s been a fun experience so far, everybody has been real supportive, real nice,” Gearey said. “It’s just getting everything into the swing of things.”