Eagles expect big improvement in 2012
Tyler Ohmann
With a new coach sometimes comes a new attitude. That is exactly what has transpired with the Newburg-Westhope Eagles volleyball team. The Eagles have two new coaches, head coach Kaitie Fluhrer and assistant Kate McDonald, and it has changed the perspective of a team that went 5-22 last season.
“We have a new coach, so we’re hoping to do a little better,” said senior Hadlee Schell. “We haven’t done well in the past, so we really came together, especially in this first week of practice, we’ve already improved a whole bunch.”
“We plan on coming out and at least having way more wins than last year, and hopefully making it past districts,” Schell added.
Fluhrer is a new teacher at Newburg United School, and is the wife of Westhope athletic director Layne Fluhrer.
“I’ll be student teaching in Newburg, and I’ve been playing volleyball since I could, and they needed a coach, and I said I’d do it,” Fluhrer said. “It’s been going great, but in the first year it’s a little hectic, but I think it’s going good.”
“I’m liking it a lot. I didn’t think I’d like it this much,” Fluhrer added.
She has been floored with how hard the girls have been working, and how much they are willing to work.
“We have a great group of girls, I can’t express how great they are to work with,” Fluhrer said. “Considering the size of the school, we have great numbers, and we hope to have a ‘C’ squad all year, injuries permitting.”
“They are willing to learn, and change things that need to be changed, and they are adapting to two new coaches very well,” Fluhrer added.
Schell said the work thus far has focused on passing, something that she said the Eagles didn’t do well last season.
“The main thing we need to do is work on passing, we weren’t a very good passing team, so that’s mainly what we’ve been working on,” Schell said. “Our practices have been switched a lot, it’s not a drill after drill, after drill, it’s more of a playing game thing.”
Another big step is the vocalization of the team, communication has improved drastically according to Schell.
“Since we’ve been talking, it is amazing what the difference is,” Schell said. “Last year we didn’t talk at all, and this year they can’t make us be quiet.”
Fluhrer said the communication is fantastic, and that there are no problems in that aspect of the game.
“I think that comes down to communication and trust between players and coaches, and they know if they have a problem, they can come talk to me,” Fluhrer added. “None are afraid of talking, so that’s not a problem.”
She is glad to have eager players, who are willing to work toward goals.
“I ask them to do something, and they are very willing,” Fluhrer said. “We’ve changed up a few things rotation-wise, position-wise, and they are basically willing to do anything I ask.”
“I’m hoping we will go pretty far, and I’ve talked to the seniors, and their short and long-term goals are set pretty high, and I think that’s good,” Fluhrer continued. “They know they can do it, they were talking to me the other day that when they lost, they didn’t lose by much. They are tired of losing by a little bit, so I know that we have enough heart on the team, that we can get things done.”
Schell said for possibly the first team, she and the rest of the team, actually are looking forward to the school year and the season.
“I’ve actually been thinking I want to be here,” Schell said. “It’s my senior year, and I’m ready for school, ready for volleyball, and we’re all glad to be back, compared to most years when no one wants to be here.”
They say ‘attitude is everything,’ the Eagles certainly have that in the bag.