
Local veteran brings opportunity to BHS

Scott Wagar


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Local veteran, Al Wondrasek, spent this past week at Bottineau High School speaking to the junior class on the importance of Boys and Girls State, a program which grants students leadership skills in government.

“I’m trying to get some life back into Boys State and Girls State,” Wondrasek said. “They’re pretty important programs sponsored by the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary to assist young people in learning leadership for government related jobs.”

On Thursday, Wondrasek spoke to the juniors in one of their social science courses and explained that Boys State is sponsored by the American Legion, while Girls State was supported by the American Legion Auxiliary.  
Wondrasek informed the junior class, which is the only high school class eligible to participate in the program, that students who attend the summer based program will learn how government works and develop leadership skills.

According to Boys and Girls State documentation, students who take part in the program will be given the opportunity to do a number of leadership and government roles, some of which include running for office, public speaking, creating and enforcing laws and actively participating in all phases of creating and running a working government.

“I really feel you kids should consider going to Boys or Girls State because you guys are going to be the future,” Wondrasek said to the students. “Boys and Girls State will give you the chance to understand government and learn how to be governmental leaders.”

Wondrasek took the time to hand out information, flyers and applications regarding Boys and Girls State so the students could learn more about the program.

American Legion sponsors the cost for the boys, while American Legion Auxiliary pays for the girls. The sponsorship cost is $200, which Bottineau’s American Legion Post 42, and its Ladies Auxiliary, will provide for the students who decide to go.