
Sharing with World Vision

Scott Wagar


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When it comes to giving this Christmas season, the students in Bottineau’s first grade class are giving from the purest part of their hearts to a very important cause which will assist families in some of the disadvantage countries in the world.

The first graders at Central School have made the decision this year to send a class donation of $100 to World Vision Relief Fund. The money will assist families in third world countries to purchase farm animals and will also help them in providing an income for their loved ones.

What makes this gift even more unique is that the students had to sacrifice one of their own Christmas presents to give to World Vision International.

“My First Grade class, and Jenny Patterson’s first grade class, decided that this year we wanted our students to do something a little different for their classroom party.  In the past, each student would buy a five to ten dollar present for a gift exchange, but this year, we decided that we would give our students the opportunity to donate that gift money to the World Vision Relief Fund,” said Codi Rybchinski, first grade teacher at Central School. “I found out about the World Vision Relief Fund through my 17 year old niece.  She wanted her Christmas present from us (the Rybchinski’s) to be a donation to World Vision.  And, I thought -wow.  From a 17 year- old.  So, when Mrs. Patterson and I talked to our students about doing the same thing they were all for helping out other families.  Before school gets out for the Christmas break, we will decide on purchasing a goat, ducks, or chickens for families in other countries.”

For the young scholars, it is all about giving.

“I wanted to buy a duck or a goat for someone,” said Case Thompson.

“I wanted to be a good friend and help people,” expressed Delani Tweed.

“I felt happy to bring money for the kids to have food,” stated Karley Hill.

“I felt really good about doing the project because it was helping other people,” added Eli Bristol.

Rybchinski stated that she and Patterson are pleased with their students’ decision to give instead of receive this Christmas holiday.

“Jenny and I were a little nervous on how the kids would respond/react to this idea, but without hesitation, they were willing to give up their student Christmas gift and give it away to families in need, which is what Christmas is all about.”

World Vision was organized in 1950 with the mission of assisting those in need who are poor and suffer from social injustices.

“World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice, stated World Vision International’s website. “Inspired by our Christian values, we are dedicated to working with the world’s most vulnerable people. We serve all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.”