Confusion with redistricting
Scott Wagar
In the recent special session which took place in November, the state legislators passed a redistricting bill, which has changed the location as to where some voters will conduct their polling in North Dakota.
The new bill went into effect on Nov. 25, but it is causing confusion to North Dakotans who are trying to figure out who is currently representing them.
According to Rep. Bob Hunskor-D, Newburg, even though the redistricting bill is currently in effect, district representation prior to the passing of the new bill in November, will remain the same until December of 2012.
“The redistricting legislation House Bill 1473, passed during the recent special legislative session, has created a gray area regarding legislators and the district they represent. The main purpose of the bill was to allow for the implementation of the election process for the 2012 primary election,” Hunskor said. “Under the legislation, District Six will include Renville County, Bottineau and McHenry. The portion of Ward County that formally was District Six, that being Kenmare, Donnybrook, Berthold and Des Lacs, have been moved to District Four, and McHenry County has been moved to District Six.
“However, representation for North Dakota Legislative districts will remain the same as it has been until the new members of the 2013 Legislative Assembly take office Dec. 1, 2012,” Hunskor added. “As a result, legislators representing District Six until Dec. 1, 2012, will be Sen. David O’Connell, Representative Glen Froseth and Representative Bob Hunskor.”
With the redistricting bill, District Six will add a total of 113 townships and 1,600 more voters to the district.