Local business gets robbed
Scott Wagar
According to the Bottineau County Sheriff’s Department, Johnson Sport Center was the victim of theft early Wednesday morning, which resulted in close to $20,000 worth of merchandise being stolen from the dealership.
Around 3 a.m. Wednesday morning, an unknown individual(s) drove onto the grounds of Johnson Sport Center, hitched up a two tier trailer with two Arctic Cat snowmobiles on the trailer and drove off with the merchandise, which equaled $19,700.
According to sheriff Steve Watson, the incident is currently under investigation. Watson is asking that if anyone knows anything about this crime, to contact him at 228-2740.
Watson is also asking local county residents who have trailers, snowmobiles and vehicles parked on the cities’ streets in their towns to remove them for three important reasons.
“First, we want to make sure that no more trailers and snowmobiles are stolen,” Watson said. “Second, with winter coming on, we want to make sure we get all types of vehicles and trailers off the streets so it doesn’t impede city crews when they are removing snow. And third, by removing vehicles and trailers off the streets it will be much safer for everyone.”
When it come to vehicles, sports utilities and trailers on the streets, those communities in the county that have ordinances against these types of items being on the street for a certain amount of time, will be ticketed and fined, and eventually, towed if not moved.