Letter to the Editor

Revenue projections released

Rep. Dick Anderson


The new revenue projections are out and from here on our emphasis will be on creating a responsible balanced budget. We were told that both triggers on the oil production tax will be hit and this will cause a revenue shortfall of over $4 billion. This report that you will be reading will concern legislation that has been introduced in committees that I think are relevant to our district. The bills I will be talking about come from the House side of the legislature. 

HB 1236 relates to the location of beehives and received a do not pass. It required a two mile distance from any resident relating to the location of hives. The committee thought that the distance was too far. HB 1238 was a bill that added an extra one dollar per head check-off fee on beef animals. 

The check-off fee goes towards research, education, and the promotion of the industry. Ranchers can submit an application to receive that dollar back if they desire. These bills are still being discussed by the committee before a vote occurs and were heard in the agricultural committee. 

The Education Committee heard two bills that constituents might have interest in. HB 1195 would allow approved individuals to conceal and carry guns in schools. The sponsor and a schoolteacher testified in support and there were many organizations that were opposed, no action was taken yet by the committee. 

HB 1461 is a controversial bill that would withdraw North Dakota from common core standards. That bill was heard Monday, Feb. 2 at 8 a.m. in the Brynhild Haugland room. 

The Energy and Natural Resources Committee heard HB 1358. The bill would appropriate funds to the oil and gas reclamation fund. 

Amendments were added for $1.5 million for funding a special project analyzing produced water pipes and their standards, materials, pressures and monitoring systems. It would contain funds as well to contract a pilot project on flow monitoring and detection systems. 

The Finance and Tax Committee heard four tax reduction bills. HB 1167 reduces the income tax rate to 0 percent, HB 1223 reduces the corporate and individual income tax, HB 1296 removes tax brackets and introduces a 2 percent flat rate and HB 1298 reduces the rate of individual and corporate income taxes and exempts Social Security from income taxes. 

On Wednesday, Feb. 4 at 9 a.m. in the Brynhind Haugland room the Human Services Committee heard HB 1430, this bill relates to the legalization of medical marijuana. I’m sure the room will be packed for that one. 

That’s all for this week. Please feel free to e-mail me at dickanderson@nd.gov as this is the best way communicate with me during the session.