Letter to the Editor
News from the Legislature: David O'Connell
Sen. David O'Connell
Our state can expect world oil prices to remain volatile over the long run. That is about the only consensus that the oil industry analysts can affirm at this point.
We will be extracting oil out of our state for the next 50 to 75 years, according to the engineering firm we hired to do a report for our Energy Interim Committee. They also stated in their update yesterday in front of our caucus that they do not believe we are overbuilt in the oil patch and that we will probably continue, on average, to produce 1.2 to 1.4 million barrels a day as the years go by.
So, we need to continue to strengthen our infrastructure out in that part of the state. As we debate whether the Surge Plan or the Kick Start Plan to help the west, I am trying to see how they will benefit the rest of the state. We cannot forget our infrastructure needs there as well. The vote will be next week.
In his State of the Union speech President George W. Bush stated that “We need to prepare our children to read and succeed in school with improved Head Start and Early Childhood Development Programs” That was in 2002.
Last month, Governor Dalrymple said “I believe that the time has come to support a proposal that will be brought before the legislature to place funds behind every 4-year-old child in North Dakota wishing to enter a certified Pre-K Senator Murphy has a bill that will allow that to happen.
“I envision that someday soon, we will join the 44 states that have had those in place for years so that our children can more comprehensively compete with their peers from other countries and states. This is not only an educational effort, but will help alleviate the waiting lists that daycare providers experience and hopefully allow more parents to stay in the workforce without having to shuttle their charges from daycare to school or vice versa.”
There is a bill that would begin to transfer payment for some Social Services mandated by the state (foster fare is one) from the counties to the state. That will result in a dollar for dollar reduction in our property taxes.
Thanks, and have a safe week.