Letter to the Editor
News from the Legislature: Bob Hunskor
Rep. Bob Hunskor
The sitting and elected members of the 64th Legislative Assembly heard Governor Jack Dalrymple’s State of the State address on Jan. 6.
Even though the Governor’s $15.7 billion budget proposal in December has seen oil prices drop under $50 per barrel for the first time in five years, he is confident that if adjustments to his spending plan are necessary, the legislature will make prudent decisions based on the state revenue forecast due in early March.
The governor said, “North Dakota is stronger than ever and lower oil prices should not prevent the state from increasing tax relief and significant additional funding for infrastructure, housing and other priorities.”
On Jan. 7, Gerald VandeWalle, Chief Justice of the N.D. Supreme Court, received the Theodore Roosevelt Rough Rider Award. Governor Dalrymple gave him the award during a joint session of the legislature.
VandeWalle was elected to the Supreme Court in 1978 and re-elected last November to his fourth 10-year term. He was elected Chief Justice in 1993 and is the longest serving sitting Chief Justice in the United States.
The Roughrider Award recognizes present or former North Dakotans who have been influenced by this state in achieving national recognition in their fields of endeavor, thereby reflecting credit and honor upon North Dakota and its citizens.
VandeWalle’s portrait will hang next to past award winners in the Theodore Roosevelt Rough Rider Hall of Fame in the Capitol.
VandeWalle was raised on a dairy farm near Noonan, N.D. In his acceptance speech he said, “The cows sent me to law school in more than one way.”
During this session, I have the privilege of serving my eighth session on the Education Committee and seventh session on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee.
As a citizen of rural North Dakota, you have direct access to your elected legislators. Your thoughts regarding new legislation have the potential to become the law of the land during this session. If you have concerns regarding an upcoming bill draft, you may personally express your voice when that bill is processed through committee, or contact your legislators pertinent to those concerns.
Citizen involvement of this nature is not possible in many states.
Please contact me with your suggestions and concerns. In doing so, I will have the necessary information to better represent you.
My e-mail address is bhunskor@nd.gov or you may contact me at (888) 635-3447 and your message will be forwarded to me.