
First reading of storage container law passes

Scott Wagar


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The Bottineau City Council passed a first reading to allow the city’s Manufacturing District to own and utilize shipping containers on their properties for storage purposes.

The ordinance began when Chris Romfo of Romfo Auto Repair on Highway 5 requested to place a storage container on his property for storage purposes. 

The council initially had a concern about the appearance of storage containers, especially those placed near Highway 5 where community members and visitors to the city could see them.

After conducting research on the containers and having discussions, the planning commission approved a draft for a storage container ordinance in November, which was presented to the council members for their approval on Dec. 1 during the council’s monthly meeting.

The ordinance states the following regulations must be followed:

Storage containers may be placed only in the areas of Bottineau zoned as “M” Manufacturing District, according to the following conditions:

● Storage containers may be located only in the rear portion of a lot or lots. Storage containers may not encroach upon the front or side yards of lots, and may not be encroached on designated parking areas. 
● Only one storage container allowed for each business or entity owning a lot or lots in the “M” Manufacturing District.  Storage containers may not be attached or affixed to another structure. Storage containers may not be stacked on top of another container or structure, nor may storage containers be placed end to end. 
● Storage containers must be maintained and kept visually pleasing. Storage containers must match the appearance of any principal structure or structures behind which they may be located, and any lettering or advertising or such storage container must be removed prior to placement. 
● The height of the storage container allowed by this ordinance may not exceed 12 feet. 
● The width of the storage container allowed by this ordinance may not exceed eight and one-half feet.
● The length of the storage container allowed by this ordinance may not exceed 53 feet, and it may not encroach upon the side yard.
● All set back regulations from lot lines must follow city ordinances and shall apply equally to the storage containers contemplated and allowed by this ordinance.
● And, no wheels or under carriage may be attached to the storage container. 

The draft of the ordinance also deals with storage containers on construction sites, which states:

● Storage containers may also be placed temporarily during construction projects on construction sites only in areas of Bottineau zoned as “B-1” neighborhood Business Districts, “B-2” Central Business Districts and “M” Manufacturing Districts. The temporary storage containers must be removed immediately upon completion of the construction project.

The full council approved the first draft of the storage container ordinance 8 to 0. 

Storage containers throughout the nation have become a popular item for businesses and homeowners who are utilizing the containers as warehouses, shops and even homes on their property. 

Architects and planners have been creative in their plans for the containers, making them look more like an actual building than a shipping container. 

With the council passing the first draft of the ordinance unanimously, the second reading of the ordinance should pass in January and become law in the city.