
Four area student-athletes make All-State football teams

Staff reports


Four area high school football players were named last week to the respective North Dakota All-State football teams in their respective classes.

Two players from Westhope-Newburg-Glenburn (W-N-G) were named to the North Dakota nine-man All-State team. Sioux juniors Chase Conway (running back, middle linebacker) and Dustin Weeks (tight end, defensive end) were named to the first-team All-State list.

W-N-G junior guard and defensive end Chas Tofteland was named to the nine-man second-team All-State team roster.

One football player from Bottineau High also picked up all-state honors. Jayhawks Shriver, a junior center and middle linebacker for the Braves, found himself on the Class A second-team All-State list.