
A hand of help in time of need

Scott Wagar


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“Kind hearts are the gardens, Kind thoughts are the roots, Kind words are blossoms, Kind deeds are the fruits” - A 19 Century rhyme.

On Oct. 23, local individuals in the area conducted a kind deed to assist Ric Johnson who needed assistance getting his crops off after he had a serious accident and broke both of his legs, which took Johnson to Mayo Clinic for treatments.

After Johnson’s accident, a group of men in the county made the decision to assist Johnson in getting his crops off and began to call numerous farmers for their assistance.

Through their calls, over 75 individuals with their combines, grain carts, fuel trucks and semis made their way to Johnson’s fields southwest of Kramer and went to work to help their fellow neighbor out in his time of need.

With 19 combines, local farmers harvested 650 acres of soybeans, 270 acres of wheat and 170 acres of flax. The group of men and women averaged 1,000 acres every three and a half hours.

Arlan Hagen, one of the individuals who assisted in setting-up the event for Johnson, was pleased with the day.

“It was a very successful day,” Hagen said. “There was good support from everybody. They took it upon themselves to do the right thing.

“I was happy to see all the support,” Hagen added. “They came over and helped even though they had their own crops still to take off, which says a lot about those that help.”

Through the kind hearts, thoughts, words and deeds of area farmers, their thoughtfulness for their neighbor brought the fruits of Johnson’s earlier labors to his table. A true tradition of North Dakota’s ag producers.