Red Ribbon Day set to take place in Bottineau County
Scott Wagar
The Red Ribbon Campaign will be coming back to Bottineau for the third year in the row during a special day to bring preventive awareness about alcohol, tobacco and drugs that is a serious problem in our state and nation and right here in Bottineau County.
The Bottineau Community Prevention Coalition (BCPC) will host Bottineau’s Red Ribbon Day, which will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 21, at the Tech Center from 12:30 to 5 p.m.
“This is a community event to raise awareness on prevention efforts occurring in Bottineau County,” stated an informational document provided by the Bottineau Community Prevention Coalition.
“This is a community event to raise awareness on prevention efforts occurring in Bottineau County. There will be pie and coffee, blood pressure checks, a silent auction, prevention information and much more.
“We are also having the school classes design a prevention poster that will be judged by the community with the winning class receiving a pizza and ice cream party,” stated the BCPC document. “The coalition will select a substance abuse winner that will possibly become a billboard for our local community.”
The Bottineau Community Prevention Coalition meets each month to discuss issues that concern substance abuse and other matters in the county.
The coalition each year provides funding for such events like the After Prom Party and An Alcohol Free New Year’s Eve Party. The group also holds informational meetings at teacher conferences and has displayed a booth at the Bottineau County Fair.
The Red Ribbon event is part of the Red Ribbon Week, which takes place each year in October. The event was created after an undercover DEA agent, Enrique “Kiki” Camarena, was kidnapped, tortured and murdered in Guadalajara, Mexico, during 1985 after he gained a tip that led to the discovery of a multimillion drug manufacturing in operation in Chihuahua, Mexico.
Camarena grew up in Calexico, Calif., and after his death, the residents of Calexico wore red ribbons in his honor. The ribbons would lead to Red Ribbon Week and has become the symbol for preventive measures on substance abuse.
“This is an ideal time for all of us to join together and focus our efforts on addressing local substance abuse issues and concerns within our community,” stated the BCPC document. “We are asking that the community get involved by decorating their store fronts, donate a silent auction item and come and support our Red Ribbon Day efforts at the Tech Center.”
Individuals who would like information on the event can call 228-3101.