
Student council holds blood drive

Scott Wagar


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Bottineau High School’s student council conducted a blood drive that now has the capability to save the lives of over 100 people in our region.

“This is one thing we do throughout the year to give back to the community,” said Laura Ellen Brandjord, student council member at Bottineau High School.

United Blood Services traveled to Bottineau on Wednesday and held a day long blood drive in the high school where students and area residents came to donate blood.

Travis Dressler, donor recruitment representative for United Blood Services who cares for the central and northwest sections of North Dakota, stated blood donors are important in the state, particularly in our region.

“We can always need more blood donors,” Dressler said. “Our state is definitely changing, especially in the west, and because of that the need goes up as well. On a daily basis, the hospitals I recruit for in this region utilize 500 units of blood in their facilities. So, we have to recoup that every day.”

Dressler added that is where his job comes into play.

“We try to schedule blood drives throughout our region to ensure that our hospitals have