
Ministerial Association offers community assistance

Scott Wagar


One organization in the community of Bottineau that individuals might not know about but should is the Community Caring Program, which assists local individuals in their time of need.

“The Bottineau Area Christian Ministerial Association (BACMA) developed the Community Caring Program more than five years ago,” said Desiree Uhrich, pastor of Bottineau’s First Lutheran Church.

“The purpose of the Community Caring Program is to demonstrate compassion and care to individuals and families in need by providing assistance with basic needs such as medical care, housing and food. The guiding value for the project is love of neighbor.”

BACMA is made up of St. Marks Catholic Church, First Lutheran Church, Metigoshe Lutheran Church, Metigoshe Ministries, Grace Lutheran Brethren Church, United Parish, St. Andrew’s Health Center, Good Samaritan Society-Bottineau, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Bottineau Baptist Church and Prairie Hope Ministries.

According to Uhrich, the BACMA assists the local area through donations, which they place in a fund and utilize for the following items:

● Medical care – help with prescriptions, over the counter medicine, travel to medical appointments and medical supplies

● Housing rent or security deposits and short term emergency housing

● Heating assistance

● Food – particularly fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy and pure water (items that are difficult to access through the pantry)

● School lunches and supplies

“In Matthew 25: 35-36, Jesus said ‘I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me.’” Uhrich said.

“The overall goal of the Community Caring Program is to provide assistance to individuals who are living in poverty and who have basic needs that are not being met. These individuals may include elderly and disabled individuals. The internet is not to replace existing programs and services, but rather to bridge the gaps that exist for people in terms of housing, medical needs and hunger.”

Uhrich added that if individuals would like to learn more about the Community Caring Program, you can contact her at the First Lutheran Church or Rev. Joshua Reimche, pastor of Bottineau’s Our Savior’s Lutheran Church.