
Commissioners approve the first reading of budget

Scott Wagar


The Bottineau County Commissioners have approved the preliminary reading of the county’s 2015 budget, which calls for a proposed increase in the overall budget from 2014, but a decrease in the levy by almost four mills. However, at the same time the county is holding a special public hearing to increase the 2014 property tax levy by 5.25 percent.


According to Lisa Herbel, auditor of Bottineau County, the proposed total budget is $4,441,448, which is up from 2014 where the total number was $4,128,759. Although the total budget is up, mill levies are down in 2015 with 88.49 mills. In 2014, the mill levy was 91.36 mills.

When it comes to the general and special revenue funds, recommend mill levies are down in 2015 compared to 2014. Last year the mill levy was 82.39, for 2015 the mill levy will be at 77.99 mills.


Due to a long term flood control plan throughout the Souris River Basin, Bottineau County Commissioners have placed a proposal to increase the 2014 Bottineau County property tax levy by 5.25 percent, or an additional $100,000 to the county’s budget.

The plan, which was approved by the state legislatures and calls for a two mill increase for joint water boards in Bottineau, McHenry, Renville and Ward counties, along with the city of Minot, to assist these counties in future flood protection from the Souris River.

“The legislature authorized joint water boards to have an additional two mill levy to provide local cost sharing and other local expenses necessary to move our flood control effort forward,” said Dave Ashley, chairman of the Souris River Joint Water Resource Board.

Herbel stated that the increase in the overall budget is mainly due to water issues in Bottineau County, but she added it is also due to other expenses.

“The county budget includes the three water boards increased by $312,652. A lot of the increase has to do with our problem with water in our county. The three water boards are asking for an increase of $72,050, and we also added $100,000 for the Souris Basin Joint Water Board,” Herbel said.

General operating expenses also have increased as well as wages. A pay study was done by our human resource consultant, Tanya Wieler, and it showed some of our departments have fallen behind in comparison to other like counties. So, in an effort to keep our wages in line, some positions were granted an increase and there was also 2 percent COLA given to all employees. We have really good hard working people at Bottineau County and we want to keep them.

“The remaining factor for a budget increase has to do with the fact that when our mill levy value increases, budgets increase. For example, last year our mill levy was $49,000 and this year it’s currently sitting at $54,900,” Herbel said.

“The Garrison Project gets one mill so there is an increase of $5,900 just for the Garrison Project based on the fact that they get one mill. There are other budgets that are tied to set mill levy rates,” she continued.

“For example, the farm to market mill levy is 10 mills, and if we don’t levy 10 mills, we may lose state and federal funds. The budget has to increase in order to prevent us from losing state funding.  I would personally like the legislation to look at a budget dollar amount rather than tying funding to levying a certain number of mills.  It forces us to increase our budgets or leave state money on the table. We will make every effort not to increase mill levies and keep the taxes down, but we also have to be progressive and take care of business at the same time.”

Although the commissioners have placed $100,000 into the budget for their share of the two mills, resident of the county will have a say if the additional money will stay in the budget.

“A public hearing to consider increasing the 2014 Bottineau County property tax levy by 5.25 percent for the general and special revenue funds will be held at the Bottineau County Courthouse Commissioner Room in Bottineau on Sept. 24, 2014, at 6 p.m.,” said Herbel.

“Citizens will have the opportunity to present oral and written comments regarding the property tax levy.”

Individuals who wish to see the 2015 Bottineau County Budget, can obtain a copy of the proposed 2015 county budget at the auditor’s office in the courthouse.