City Council holds September meeting
Scott Wagar
A number of items were discussed at Bottineau’s City Council meeting on Sept. 2 which included city projects, beautification and storage containers and their place in city limits.
The council meeting started with the discussion of the junk ordinance and the clean up of yards on private property. The topics included what the ordinance allows the city to do and clean up; and, which individuals must be present during the clean up.
States Attorney, Swain Benson III, stated that city workers can enter on to private property (residential yards) to remove vehicles and other junk from yards even if the residents have no trespassing signs in their yards. However, he stated that proper notification must first be sent with an allotted time for the individuals to clean up their yards.
If the city steps in, city crew members are allowed on the property, along with either the city’s sheriff or one of his deputies to provide civil obedience as the city crew conducts their job.
Matt Johnson of Wold Engineering updated the councilmen on city projects which are taking place in the city. Projects included:
● The 2013 Sewer Expansion project is completed, but Utility System of America from Eveleth, Minn., has an outstanding bill with a business in the city from purchases they made while working on the project. The city will hold the company’s final check until they pay their bill.
● Phase Two of the Water Line Loop project is 20 percent completed and should be completed by the end of the month. The final phase of the project will take place next summer.
● The West Sewer Lift Upgrade project has been completed.
● The Lagoon Expansion project will be constructed in 2015. The city is currently in talks of acquiring more land south of the lagoon to assist with the project.
● The Preserve development is moving forward with Roger Riley, owner and developer of the Preserve, with items he needs to complete before he can move forward with Phase II of the development. Phase I is not complete yet, so Riley will not be able to move into Phase II until the first phase is finished. Riley has requested that two building permits be approved by the aldermen, but the council will not approve the request until Phase I is completed.
The council also discussed storage containers and its place in the city. Chris Romfo, owner of Romfo Auto Repair, has requested the opportunity to utilize storage containers at his business on Highway 5.
Councilwoman Diane Lorenz stated to the council that the planning and ordinance committees request that storage containers be used only in the industrial and manufacture districts of the city, but not the commercial districts. Lorenz added that the storage containers should be fenced in or have trees planted around the containers to keep in stipulations with the beautification of the city.
The city’s planning and ordinance committee will continue to study the storage containers issue.
Alderman Gary Mortensen stated that renovation work on the pool has started with Associate Pool out of Bismarck sandblasting the pool. The company will also fill in the cracks that have been discovered and paint the pool this month. Gutter work is also taking place at the pool.
Mortensen added that the Aqua Wall that will be installed in the pool is in transportation and should be in Bottineau in the near future.
Councilman Harley Getzlaff spoke on behalf of the trails committee and stated that work has started on connecting the walking/biking trail on Highway 5 with Forestry Park through Elm Street. The work should be completed within two weeks.