
Increase in schools’ enrollments

Scott Wagar


Public school enrollment numbers for the county have increased from the 2013-14 school year by over 40 students.


In the Bottineau School District, the 2013-14 school year saw 635 students, which included 370 students in Kindergarten through sixth, 93 in seventh through eighth and 172 in nine through 12th grade.

At the start of school this past Wednesday, the school district had a total of 667 students, an increase of 32 students from last year. The grades break down with 386 students in K through sixth, 87 in seventh through eighth and 194 in nine through 12th grade.
Kindergarten through sixth grade saw an increase of 16 students, nine through 12 saw an increase by 22 students, while the junior high students dropped by six students.


In the Newburg Public School, the 2013-14 school year saw 63 students enrolled in grade K through 12, while at the start of the 2014-15 school year in Newburg the district saw 72 students, an increase of nine students.

K through six has 39 students this year, while sixth and seventh have 12 and ninth grade through 12th grade have 21 students enrolled.


In the Westhope Public School, the 2013-14 school year saw 142 students, while this year’s enrollment hasn’t changed much with 138 students attending grades K-12, reducing the enrollment by four students from last year.

Kindergarten through sixth grade this academic year has 79 students, seven and eighth 17 students and nine through 12th have 42 students.

In 2013-14 year, K through six had 82 students, seven through eighth had 20 and nine through 12th grade had 40.