
Vote on bond issue fails by mere votes

Scott Wagar


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The bond issue concerning the Bottineau School District failed by a close vote, leaving the school board members to start over once again in finding a building solution for the district.

On Tuesday, 644 individuals voted on the $12.9 million bond issue with 374 yes votes and 270 no votes. Even though there were more yes votes than no, the bond failed because law requires that when a district votes on a bond issue it must receive 60 percent of the vote. Percentage wise in the bond issue, 58 percent voted yes to 42 percent voting no, failing by 13 votes.

“Obviously, I am disappointed the vote did not pass. It makes it a little harder this time around when 13 votes was the difference in the bond passing or failing,” said Jason Kersten, superintendent of the Bottineau School District.

“I was surprised with the number of voters. Last November, there were 1,051 voters. I didn’t think we would have over a thousand voters, but did think the number of voters would be a little higher than 644.”

With increase enrollment in the school district; Central School not meeting current building codes; and a $19.6 million bond being voted down last November to construct a new elementary school on the east side of town, the school board made the decision to add on to the school which currently holds grades three through 12, while at the same time renovating the building so that all grades could be at one location.

With the bond failing on Tuesday, Kersten stated that the school district will now have to wait one year before they can hold another vote on a bond issue.

As for the school board’s next plan for a school building, it is uncertain at the moment.

“At this time, I am not sure what the next step will be,” Kersten said.