
Pool has a productive summer

Scott Wagar


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With the city pool opening late this year due to a limited staff and renovation work, the city was able to find the staff, get the renovations done and had one of the greatest summers in almost a decade.

“The summer went really well, said Alderman Gary Mortensen, who sits on the pool committee. “Kevin Milbrath took care of the pool and I have a lot of favorable comments from the state health department for the stand-up job Kevin did. The pool ran very smooth this summer and we had a good summer.”

Once the pool closes on Aug. 24, the city plans to do additional work, which includes replacing outside water drinking fountains, gutters for the skimmers on top and the bathrooms will receive new showers heads, stools and urinals.

In addition, the high dive board will be taken down by the city crew due to liability issues. The board has already been removed, but the remainder of the apparatus will be removed at the end of the summer.  

The high dive board will not be replaced; instead, the city will install an aqua climbing wall.

“It will be mounted on the side of the pool where the high drive was located and run west to the east,” Mortensen said. “The wall will slide inward over the water so if the kids fall they will fall into the water.”

The city is planning to have the pool drained, sandblasted, painted and re-chalked just below the skimmers.

“We are going to try to get as much done as possible so we don’t have any delays come spring so we can get the pool open earlier,” Mortensen said.