The Rev. Hickin arrives at St. Marks
Scott Wagar
Father Michael Hickin is the new Catholic priest at St. Marks Catholic Church in Bottineau. He replaces Father Paul Schuster who has been called to St. Michaels Catholic Church at St. Michael, N.D.
Hickin grew up in Akron, Ohio, and attended seminary in Rome, Italy and Washington, D.C. He was ordained in 1997 and spent his first two years in Fargo serving the parish at St. Marys Cathedral and the Chancery Office as the director of the Office of Catechism.
He spent the next four years on the faculty of Pontifical College Josephinum seminary in Columbus, Ohio, where he was a professor of theology and French. Hickin was also the dean of men and director of pastoral formation.
After six years in the Catholic church, Hickin made the decision to explore the religious life with a Jesuit community in Rome, which he held a keen interest in. Prior to Hickin becoming associated with the Fargo Diocese, he spent time with a Benedictine community in France.
After a year in the Jesuit community, Hickin felt God moving him back to the church life and returned to the Fargo Diocese in 2004 where the church sent him to Harvey to serve St. Cecilias Catholic Church. While serving the congregation in Harvey, the Diocese sent Hickin to Chicago where he continued his education in the study of spiritual direction.
With his classroom studies over, in 2009 Hickin was sent to Rome, Italy, where he became the spiritual director for the North American College of seminary.
This summer, he returned from Rome and was assigned to St. Marks Church, which Hickin is pleased to be located.
“I am happy to be here,” Hickin said. “As a spiritual director you wear one hat. But, as a pastor here on the prairie I get to wear lots of different hats and deal with God’s people in a great variety of ways with lots of irons in the fire. I like this kind of life.”
Hickins will serve the Catholic congregations in Bottineau, Westhope and Lake Metigoshe.