
BHS, Post 42 set to lose diamond gems

Matthew Semisch


On my very first day working at the Bottineau Courant back in April, I was handed my very first assignment for the paper.

A few hours after introductions were made between myself and my new office mates, I drove over to Dakota College at Bottineau (DCB) to cover the signing of two Bottineau High baseball players that were pledging to become DCB Lumberjacks.

It was then that Garrett Lynnes and Lee Schneider became the first Bottineau-area athletes I had the pleasure of interviewing for a story. Both of them had recently begun their senior seasons with Bottineau High, and Schneider would also play for the Bottineau American Legion Post 42 team in the summer alongside fellow BHS senior Andrew Hill.

Lynnes and Justin Wall, two other former Braves that played baseball for Bottineau High this spring, couldn’t play Legion ball due to outside commitments.

Bottineau High’s 2014 baseball team was one of the first beats I had when I started here. On top of leading the team on the field, the Braves’ and Post 42’s seniors made me feel most welcome, and I’d like to use this space to thank them.

I wish them all the best in their future endeavors, and I’m excited to see where opportunties they’ve earned take them.