
Local family purchases the Spectrum

Scott Wagar


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If one walks by 4Js Sporting Goods on Main Street one will see an interesting site leading out of the store and unto the sidewalk.

The site is a line of fish with the store’s logo on it leading to the front door of the Spectrum. The reason behind this is because the owners of 4Js Sporting Goods and the Spectrum have merged their stores together.

“I have decided to go into semi-retirement,” said Karen Larson, owner of the Spectrum. “Jeff and Echoe Shriver, who own 4Js, have purchased my building and business and are moving their sporting goods store down to my store. The plans are to reduce each of our stocks and have Jeff and Echoe move into my building.”

Once the transition is completed, the new store will continue to offer all the office supplies currently in the store and its printing and copying services, along with a select number of gifts.

4Js’ merchandise will include the store’s bows, fishing equipment, seasonal sporting goods, along with the Under Armor and athletic apparel for such sports as football and hockey and hunting items that individuals need to hunt in.

Jeff and Echoe will also continue with their DTG (Direct to Garment shirt transfers) business in the Spectrum, and Jeff will bring his bow shooting range to their new location which will now be located outside and behind the store.

“DTG is growing phenomenally in this town, so we are looking at expanding that area of the store with more custom apparel options,” Echoe said.

“The bow range will now be a 60 yard bow range,” Jeff said. “The new bow range is going to be great because bow shooters can do a lot more tuning with their bows at that distance.”

The Shrivers added that when it comes to the sporting goods end of the business they will also be taking special orders if they do not have the merchandise their customers are looking for within their store.

Larson, who calls the transitions “going under one umbrella,” is pleased to have the Shrivers purchase her building and business.
“I am very excited. After 33 years I’m ready not to be in charge,” Larson said. “And, no one has to worry about Jeff and Echoe taking over the Spectrum. Echoe knows as much or more about the computers than I do, and Jeff is a production man and high-tech person. Jeff has also had many management positions in the business world like Walmart, grocery stores and 4Js. When I considered selling my business, Jeff and Echoe made perfect sense to me. They will keep my store and their store viable in the community.”  

The Shrivers are also excited to start their new business venture.
“We are excited,” Jeff said. “I like retail because it is in my blood, and we also have the opportunity to keep both businesses on Main Street and keep downtown Bottineau alive.”

The new name of the business will be 4J Sporting Goods, Spectrum Office Supply and Printing. The hours will be Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

The plan is for the Shrivers to be out of their current building and into the Spectrum building by the first part of October.

During the next couple of months, both businesses will be holding sales on their merchandise they will not be keeping in their stores. While shopping, all individuals have to remember is to follow the fish that are laid out on the sidewalk between the two stores.