Lesje Lutheran holds final service
Scott Wagar
Over 200 individuals came to Lesje Lutheran Church on Sunday afternoon to say their good-byes before the congregation closed its church doors for the last time.
“I kind of wish it was still open in a lot of ways,” said Lyle Gravseth, a member of Lesje Lutheran Church. “But there is just no reason and no way we can because of the numbers.”
After 115 years as a parish, the church has made the decision to close its doors because they can no longer obtain a pastor and the congregation has an active membership of only eight to 10 parishioners.
For Rueben Bjokne, who is 88 years old and one of the oldest members of Lesje Church, attending church for the last time at Lesje was a difficulty for him.
“It is a very sad occasion and I wish it wouldn’t have to happen because this has been my church home for 88 years. I was baptized and confirmed here and it has lots and lots of memories for me.”
Bjokne said that his fondest memory of Lesje was when he was confirmed in 1940 because back at that time the confirmation students had to stand in the middle of the main aisle while the pastor asked them confirmation questions and to quote a Bible verse with each question before the whole parish.
“We didn’t know which question we were going to get and had to do it right,” Bjokne said.
Rev. Mark Narum, bishop of the Western North Dakota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, presided over the service and conducted the closing ceremony of the church with the presentation of the congregation records and declaration of leave-taking.
Narum stated that although Lesje is closing the Spirit of God will continue to be seen in the Souris-Landa area.
“It is a sad day and yet we celebrate the incredible ministry that has happened here for 115 years,” Narum said. “They’re good faithful people and because of these people the ministry will continue as well."